Master’s thesis
General information
- Requirements: The Regulation of Assessment and Qualification of Apprenticeships in the Degrees and Masters of the University of Lleida (approved by the Governing Council of 29 June 2023) provides that students may only enrol in the TFM when they register all outstanding credits to complete the degree.
- Calendar of defense of TFMs (June)
- Calendar of defense of TFMs (16 to 18 January 2024)
- The development of the subject is carried out in three phases, a) Choice of Topic, b) Elaboration of the TFM, and c) Deposit.
a) Choice of theme (September).
The choice of theme will be made through an activity scheduled on the virtual campus. At this stage a principal/student will be assigned.
b) Preparation of the TFM (September-January).
The student will prepare the TFM and the principal/a of the TFM will guide and make a detailed follow-up of the student.
c) Deposit (January or May).
The memory will be deposited in the VIRTUAL CAMPUS ACTIVITIES section in one of the following two places:
1. Until 08 January 2024 at 23:00;
2. Until 27 May 2024 at 23:00;
If the TFM is not deposited in either of the two periods, the qualification "Not presented" in the official record shall apply. The student will enroll again (enrollment 2024-2025) and may return to the subject in the corresponding semester.
Evaluation system
The TFM evaluation consists of three sections (percentage of the final grade): a) Director/a (APT/UNFIT), b) Memory (65%), and c) Oral defense (35%).
Section a) is carried out by the director/a of the TFM. The director/a has to authorize the presentation of the TFM (APTO) by signing the cover of the TFM or informing the coordination of the master through an email. The director/a can use the evaluation heading to determine their assessment.
Sections b) and c) are carried out by an evaluation committee made up of 2 different teachers from the director/a (president and vocal), who teach in the MPGS or who have a minimum degree. Memory and oral defense can be done in Catalan, Spanish or English.
The student’s oral defense will be 20 minutes maximum. The two members of the commission will ask questions and observations that the student will have to answer and argue. This debate with the committee will last about 15 minutes. The date, time and place of the oral defense of the TFM shall be communicated to the students at least three days before the date set for the oral defense.
The TFM is exceeded if the final assessment [Memory + Oral Defence] > 5.00, according to the evaluation heading applied to the criteria of each paragraph. All items in the rubric are scored with a quantitative value that can vary between 0 and 1 (0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 0.8, 0.9, 1).
More information in the teaching guide